San Giorgio


Title: Marquis
Title in succession:
Date created:
Grant by: 
Grand Master de Rohan-Polduc
Granted To: Dr. Carlo Antonio Barbaro
Rep: Cremona Barbaro (St.George)
Remainder to: ad personam
(later to all his legitimate and natural descendants or female in default in perpetuity)
Present Holder: Dr. Anthony Cremona Barbaro LL.D (February 2001)
Feudal Tribute: a catapult on the feast of St.Lino (29th September) every year
British crown recognition: 1878
Intially granted life only , the Marquis later petitioned the Grand Master for the grant to be extended to his eldest son. 
This request was granted in 1779. The second Marquis petitioned the Grand Master for the Grant to be extended to all his descendants in perpetuity. This request was also granted in 5th June 1792. Another note is that all descendants from the 3rd Marquis and Countess Caroline von Zimmermann are able to use the title of Count by Right.
(The title is of origin Germanic and its remainder was to all descendants)


(Rep.) The Marquisate of San Giorgio was created in 1778 by Grand Master de Rohan-Polduc to Dr Antonio Barbaro LLD, Intially granted life only , the Marquis later petitioned the Grand Master for the grant to be extended to his eldest son. This request was granted in 1779. The second Marquis petitioned the Grand Master for the Grant to be extended to all his descendants in perpetuity. This request was also granted in 1792.

Thus, in the case of the title of Marquis of San Giorgio, the title was initially granted ad person am to Dr. Carlo Antonio Barbaro on 6th. September 1778; it was later extended to the Marquis`s eldest son on 2nd. January 1779 and then, on 5th. June 1792 it was again extended but this time to all the Marquis`s descendants in perpetuity. 

The Barbaro's of Malta descend from a branch of the Barbaro of Venice, who established themselves in Southern Italy as Barons di Letronico and Signors di Pietramala. Simone, son of Francesco, came to Malta in 1703. He was 'a very learned, pious and widely-traveled gentleman', who spent a fortune redeeming hundreds of slaves for one hundred piastres each. Hence he was know throughout Barbary as padre dei poveri shiavi cristiani. Simone, a personal friend of Pope Clement XI, built the hospice and the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Tripoli and also provided the necessary funds to complete the construction of the convent in Rome of San Pietro in Montorio.

Simone's five sons completed their studies in Rome. One of these ,Carlo Antonio Barbaro, was an archaeologist, a historian, a linguist, and a literary figure of marked distinction. He studied in Rome, where he graduated in Law at the Sapienza in 1747. Proficient in several languages, including Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, and Italian, enjoying the protection of both Pope Pius VI and the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Tuscany, Carlo Antonio established his own Accademia in Rome which was frequented by some of the most illustriou writers and savants of the time. In addition, he was also a member of the Accademia dell'Agricolture e dell Scienze of Brescia and a Pastore arade under the name of Metisco Teoclidense. In Malta he had a fine gallery of paintings, a well stocked library of old books and manuscripts, and a collection of antiquities, which included engraved gems, precious stones, coins and medals. This unique museum attracted many visitors to Malta. Carlo Antonio was also a Jurat of Valletta and the Three Cities and was made Marquis di San Giorgio by de Rohan, who held him in very high esteem. It was to this Grand Master that he dedicated his book Degli Avanzi d'Alcuni Antichissimi Edifizi Scoperti in Malta L'Anno 1768, which he wrote at the request of de Rohan's predecessor and in which he showed his vast and deep erudition. He wrote numerous Latin inscriptions, and several orations and discourses, including a very learned work on the quality of the Maltese soil and its products which he entitled Coltivazione delle Piante dell'Isola di Malta. Among his other works we find an extensive and most interesting description of the Maltese islands: Insularum Melitae et Gaulos Desriptio. These manucripts which were recently acquired from Bologna and Local sources are now preserved in the archives of the Present title holder, Marchioness Beatrice Cremona Barbaro and her husband, the Chief Justice of Malta who is himself the author of many publications of international note.

The son of the first Marquis, Gioacchino Ermolao, was a distinguished poet of classical inspiration, After having studied in the Convitto of Pistoia, he returned to Malta, where he was appointed a Jurat, and a Captain in one of the regiments of the Order. He published Versi Toscani which contains fifty-eight sonnets and other poetical compositions on various subjects as well as Versi Sciolti dedicati all'Ombra del Figlio. Perhaps the most moving peoms are those recall the death of three of his children who died during an epidemic. He was also the author of several translations from Horace, Martial and Virgil. In the words of Prefessor Vincenzo Laurenza, his works have 'una struttura ben salda e veste assai decorosa. This poet added to the lustre of his own family by marrying Luisa Clotilde Crispo. This Noble women was a direct descendant of the Sovereign Dukes of Naxos and the Aegean Islands. 

"Testamento in atti di Not. Giovanni de Lucia. 24 marzo 1607. Di Lorenza
Crispo figl(ia) . di Michele Crispo = altro suo testamento in atti del
Not. Tommaso Cauchi 24 aprile 1611. Erede un(iversale) Crisostomo Crispo
suo figlio naturale.
altro ed ultimo suo testamento in atti del Not. Antonio
Abela...16.....Erede un(iverale) Gio. Andrea Crisp J.U.D. figlio di
Crisostomo di lei figlio e di Petruccia sive Petronella dello Re qdm.
Aloisio (I think!). Altro suo primo Testamento in atti del Notaro Giovani
Tolosenti 30 Agosto 1590 Erede un(iversale)
Apollonia***********(illegible)******in atti del
******figlio naturale."

Other members of the Barbaro family continued this long standing literary tradition. These included the poet, novelist, dramatist, and patriot Ramiro Barbaro, and the naturalsit and Genealogist Marquis George Crispo Barbaro. Both these writers flourished in the nineteenth century and are therefore strictly speaking outside the limits of the period dealth eith. Ramiro Barbaro (who in Italy was editor of La Gazzetta d'Italia and in Berlin held a chair in the Humbolt-Akademie), Published some fifty books, amongst which his masterpiece Un Martire has been described as Le Chef d'oeuvre en prose de la literature maltaise d'Expression italienne. He certainly emerged as the best poet and novelist Malta had until then, produced.

Dr Carlo Antonio Barbaro was succeeded by his son in 1798, then succession passed from father to son untill 1971, when the title was succeeded by the eldest daughter Beatrice Crispo-Barbaro.

Beatrice married in 1949 to his Honour Prof. J.J Cremona K.M, LL.D and have three children.

The Marchioness di San Giorgio had passed away in February, 2001, and is succeeded by her only 'son' Dr Anthony Cremona Barbaro L.L.D as the 9th Marquis di San Giorgio (St.George).

The family are also able to use the Germanic Title of Count/Countess , which was brought into this family from the marriage of the 3rd Marquis to Countess Caroline Zimmermann. A decendants now uses the title of Count von Zimmermann since the Zimmermann became extinct in the 19th Century.

(Rep.) All descendants from the 3rd Marquis and Countess Caroline von Zimmermann are able to use the title of Count by Right ( The title is of origin Germanic and its remainder was to all descendants)

A Genealogical Account of the Marquis's di San Giorgio, Counts von Zimmermann:

1. Dr Carl Antonio Barbaro LL.D, Ventian Patrician, 1st Marquis di San Giorgio (cr:1778-Malta) (c 1720-98), married Maria Victoria Psaila, with issue

1.1 Gioacchino Ermolao Barbaro (c 1760-1844), 2nd Marquis di San Giorgio, married 1785 to Aloisea Clotilda Crispo dei Duchi della Naxos Islands.
1.1.1. Francesco Crispo Barbaro (c 1794-1847), 3rd Marquis di San Giorgio, married 1817 to Countess Caroline von Zimmermann Count Gustavo Crispo Barbaro (c 1818-80), 4th Marquis di San Giorgio, married 1839 to Caroline Lower Netherton Count George Crispo Barbaro (c 1849-1912), 5th Marquis di San Giorgio, married 1872 to Teresa Pulis Count Henry Crispo Barbaro (c 1875-1937), 6th Marquis di San Giorgio, married 1901 to Beatrice Imbroll Count Anthony Crispo Barbaro (c 1904-71), 7th Marquis di San Giorgio, married to Gladys England Sant Fournier Countess Beatrice Crispo Barbaro (c 1927-2001), 8th Marchioness di San Giorgio, married 1949 to His Honour. Prof.J.J.Cremona, K.M,L.L.D., with issue Count. Dr. Anthony Cremona Barbaro L.L.D. (c 1955-, 9th Marquis di San Giorgio) Countess Dr Anne Cremona Barbaro M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P,M.R.C psych. (c 1951- Countess Mary Cremona Barbaro (c 1956-, married 1980 to Dr J Sammut Tagliaferro D.M.R.D,F.R.C.R. Countess Mary Crispo Barbaro (c 1929-, married 1954 to Chev.James Gustav Gollcher, with issue. Countess Edwina Crispo Barbaro (c 1931-, married 1956 to Major David Urquahart Pollitt, with issue Countess Ceclia Crispo Barbaro (c 1933-, married 1955 to Pierre Bellier, with issue Countess Gladys Crispo Barbaro (c 1938-, married Anthony Zamit Tabona, with issue. Countess Georgina Crispo Barbaro (c 1902- Countess Mary Georgina Crispo Barbaro (c 1881-., married 1914 to Richard Vassallo la Rosa, with issue Countess Lucy Georgina Crispo Barbaro (c 1885., married 1914 to Dr.Pasquale Debona, L.L.D, with issue Count Charles Zimmermann Barbaro (c 1859-. 4th Count von Zimmermann, married firstly 1884 to Maria Antonia Borg, without issue married secondly 1905 to Maria Dolores Falzon Sant Manduca, with issue Count Nazzareno Charles Zimmermann Barbaro, 5th Count von Zimmermann (c 1906-, married 1924 to Cecilia de Piro dei Baroni della Budaq Count Charles Zimmermann Barbaro, 6th Count von Zimmermann (c 1925-, married firstly 1947 to Mary le Bas, with issue
married secondly 1966 to Christine Child, with further issue. (first marriage) Count James St George (c 1948- Count Mark St George (c 1949- (second Marriage) Count David St George (c 1967- Count Christopher St George (c 1971- Count Edward Zimmermann Barbaro (c 1927-, married firstly to Kathleen Hill, with issue
married secondly 1968 to Mary Mullens, with further issue
married thirdly 1979 to Lady Henrietta Fitsroy, (the Daughter of the English Duke of Gafton), with further issues. (first marriage) Countess Sarah St George (c 1955- Countess Caroline St George (c 1957- (second Marriage) Countess Laura St George (c 1976- (Third Marriage) Count Henry St George (c 1983- Countess Katherine St George (c 1984- Count Arturo Barbaro (c 1838-, married 1861 to Carmela dei Conti Sant. Countess Aloisea Barbaro Sant (c 1866-, married firstly 1889 to E.Laferla, secondly to Prof. Themistocles Zammit, with issue from Both marriages. Countess Carolina Barbaro Sant (c 1862-1937), married 1886 to Barone Salvatore Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Gomerino e Tabria, with issue. Count Prof. Ramiro Barbaro (c 1840-., married 1861 to Chiara dei Conti Sant Count Arthur Barbaro Sant (c 1868-, married 1893 to Mary Anne Edwards Count George Barbaro Sant (c 1901-., married 1934 to Emily Bruno-Olivier Count Arthur Barbaro Sant (c 1936-, married 1964 to Emily Aguis Count Giovanni Batta Barbaro Sant (c 1965-, married Christina Gatt. Count Ramiro Barbaro Sant (c 1861-, married Louisa dei Conti Rossi. Count Luigi Barbaro Sant (c 1889- Count Carmelo Barbaro Sant (c 1893- Count Henry Barbaro Sant (c 1897- Count Anthony Barbaro Sant (c 1902- Countess Mary Barbaro Sant (c 1893- Countess Edwidge Barbaro Sant (c 1904- Countess Eleanore Barbaro Sant (c 1870-., married Attilio R. Peralta, with issue Count Armand Peralta (c 1904- Countess Martha Peralta (c 1892- Countess Blanche Peralta (c 1893, married 1915 to G. Chincoli Countess Edith Peralta (c 1905- Countess Maria Aloisea Barbaro, married Luigi dei Conti Sant, with issue.
1.1.2. Francesca Barbaro, married Guiseppe dei Conti Sant, with issue
1.2. Romualda Barbaro C.M.G, Count of Santi (cr:1794-Malta), married Antonia dei Marchese de Piro, died without issue.
1.3. Anne Barbaro, married Frederico Dorell Falzon, died without issue.

(IF THERE ARE ANY UPDATES TO ANY TREES, PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO '[email protected] or [email protected] ' stating site you seen the genealogical tree and updates.)

References: 1) Gauci,C.A.," The Genealogy and Heraldry of the Noble Families of Malta", Gulf Publishing Ltd, Malta, 1981.
2) Gauci,C.A.," The Genealogy and Heraldry of the Noble Families of Malta, Volume Two", Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd, 1992.
3) Gauci,C.A and Mallet, P.,"The Palaeologos Family- A Genealogical Review" ,Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd, 1985
4) Gauci, C.A.," A Guide to the Maltese Nobility", Publishers Enterprise Group (PEG) Ltd, Malta, 1986.
5) Montalto, J., "The Nobles of Malta-1530-1800", Midsea Books Ltd, Malta, 1980.
6) De Piro, N., "Casa Rocco Piccola", The Conde' Nast Publications 1999.' Http://  '
7) Giles Ash, S., "The Nobility of Malta", Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd, 1988.
8) Said Vassallo, C.M., Unpublished research papers.
9) Said Vassallo, C.M., Research site.


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